Much of my art practice involves taking images and objects that have a specific sub-cultural meaning and arranging them in such a way that they create a dialogue between collective meaning (larger or hegemonic ideas) and subjective meaning. I am not so much interested in disrupting meaning as I am in demonstrating the fluidity of meaning, signifying that there are multiple realities and contexts that exist for all objects and images. I’m interested in this fluidity of meaning within the context of ‘surf culture‘ because I am interested in the ways in which surfing is represented through art and popular media. I basically make paintings about other paintings that represent surfing or surf culture. Still, my paintings must also function as something visually attractive in order for viewers to engage with them. I often build the composition on a grid and I regularly use colors that clash or vibrate when placed next to each other as an organizing strategy. I hope you enjoy looking at my art as much as I enjoy making it!