Club of the Waves

Marc Hemeon


Artist — Los Angeles, California

Wave No. 18

“The movement of water is a powerful reminder of the constant flow and change of life. I rely on the ocean to be my teacher, therapist, and mentor — she is no respecter of persons and will serve as a mirror, reflecting all of you back to yourself, even the parts you may not want to see. And just like the greatest of teachers, her most powerful lessons are found in her challenges. I started painting waves and water a few years back as a way to de-stress from the demands of the tech industry and startup-building. When I paint, I am united with a purpose and inner voice I didn’t know existed. Painting brings me back to my center and gives me peace. The goal of my art is to help you reflect and return to your center.” Prior to painting, Marc had a long career in design and tech working with companies like YouTube and Google and starting a few of his own.

Water No. 10
Water No. 12
Water No. 11
Cloud No. 1
Wave No. 42
Wave No. 16
Wave No. 13
Wave No. 41
Wave No. 14
Wave No. 19
Wave No. 40
Wave No. 39
Wave No. 20
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